Monday, February 6, 2012

Let's nest.

Yesterday we hit the 34 week mark. Can you believe it? I hardly can. This pregnancy has flown by! I am feeling more excited than terrified this week and I think the recent spurt of energy from the nesting bug and the cutting of Jackson's six new teeth -- yay -- is partially responsible for my re-found "can do" spirit. Whatever it is, I'm glad to be feeling like myself again and less like a beached whale. Not to say that this last stretch doesn't have challenges of its own but we're powering through and I'm so thankful for the support and patience that Brandon has shown me over the past eight months. I'm trying to make this last three to six weeks that Jackson has us all to himself really count and to form routines that he can find comfort in once Preston arrives. We've been attending a story time geared towards babies ages newborn to eighteen months and Jackson loves it! I also found a few other story times at other libraries and book stores around our area that we have yet to make it to but this week we're going to shoot for making it out for a planned activity every day. We also have a fun Valentine's day craft to work on and I'll be sure to share that with you all. I can't believe Valentine's day is around the corner. I want to do something extra special for my little and big Valentines but I'm not quite sure what yet. I've loved this "holiday" since I was a youngin'. My mom used to make me the most beautiful Valentine mailbox for school each year and it was always so exciting to read the card from that special someone. I think I nearly passed out when I read "You're cool, Valentine." from my first grade crush. Hubba, hubba.

We'll be adapting Jackson's nursery into a bedroom for two in the next few weeks. I have a really cute idea for initial wall hangings that I can't wait to get on. I should probably stop scrubbing the mineral stains off of our toilet bowl with a pumice stone and vinegar (magical) but the nesting heart wants what it wants and this nesting heart wants sparkling toilets and Grout Bully. (Have you seen the commercial!?) We have two bathrooms with tile counters, walls and floors and I attacked the grout with a baking soda and vinegar paste and an electrical tooth brush and while their appearance is vastly improved, I want to go whiter! Same for our kitchen counters and backsplash. Comet with bleach does do wonders though (yeah, so not green but I love the stuff). Does anyone know how to get stains off of a porcelain tub? I'm afraid to take the pumice stone to it because I don't want to scratch it but I think it might be the best bet and if not I read you can refinish a tub to look brand new for around $200. Our house was built in the 1950's and has developed quite a lot of character over the years but as we tackle each project with patience and elbow grease, we're starting to see the pay off which only makes it more exciting to keep going. Do you like your toilets to sparkle? Do you think I'm crazy? No matter. Happy living. :)

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