Sunday, February 26, 2012

37 weeks (Full term)

How exactly are we already at 37 weeks? I have no idea but here we are. These past eight plus months have by far been the fastest of my life. I have yet to pack our hospital bags (oops) but I plan on completing that task in the next couple of days. We were in Ft. Worth for the weekend to attend a baby brunch for Preston at Brandon's parents', Rod and Laura's. Much more on that to come. I had Braxton-Hicks contractions all weekend and Preston has been unusually active which I've read can mean that he's lowering and getting into position. Jackson has also been increasingly jealous and sensitive this week. I'm not sure if that has more to do with even MORE teeth coming in on top of getting over a sinus infection but my maternal instincts tell me it's about the changes coming ahead that he's sensing. I don't think we have much longer to go. We're actually on our way back right now with roughly two and half hours to go till we reach home and I've been having contractions for the past hour. I'm timing them but hopefully they die off and end up just being practice. We shall see. Happy living, everyone. Here. Comes. Another.

*Update*: I drank water all the way home and STILL had intense Braxton-Hicks contractions the entire ride! Thankfully after we reached our house, they finally subsided. I read that "true contractions" last no more than 90 seconds but these were lasting four to five minutes and right on top of one another. Contractions and an upset toddler make for an interesting car trip, for sure. So glad to be home, not in labor and hope to spend some quality one on one time comforting Jackson and reassuring him of his place in my heart. He's King Bubbas and no one could ever replace him. We have more than enough love to go around.

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