Thursday, December 8, 2011

'Twas the season to be crafty

This Christmas we attempted to save money while still making everyone on our Christmas list feel as extra special as they are by making gifts ourselves. We had to buy a few gifts (I have no idea how to make a cigar cutter) and hit up the craft and discount stores to get everything we needed for our projects but we kept things as DIY as possible.  It was really fun to get creative and I felt invested in the gifts we were giving this year in a way I never had before by simply buying gifts for people.

On our recent trip to the Ft. Worth Zoo, Brandon's mom Barbara shared with us that her very favorite animals have always been penguins. When we stopped by their exhibit, toward the end of our visit, she was practically giddy. It was hard to not be tickled by the little dressed up guys. There is something about them just makes you smile. So, when I came across this adorable project on Pinterest, I thought -- we have to make this! 

I decided to make a framed set of penguins uising a frame I already owned. I spray-painted my silver frame using a black lacquer that we also already owned (double score) and got to painting Jackson's adorable feet. He giggled the entire time -- so ticklish and cute. We pressed his feet, heels up, to regular computer paper (I think next time I would use card stock just to fancy it up a bit). While the black paint was out, I added on the little penguin wings and then let it air dry for a day before going over it with white paint to create the tummy area -- once this dried, I glued on googly eyes and painted their little orange beaks. Voila!

I am really happy with how they turned out and Barbara was very touched with our homemade gift. I think I'm going to make another set for our home. They just make me smile.

In the business of the hoiday season, I didn't get a chance/forgot to take pictures of each gift that was made -- whoops. Bare with me and I will do my best to fill in the holes. :) I recently purchased a plaster kit to memorialize Jackson's baby handprint and try as I may -- it just didn't turn out well at all. I kept the plaster print in a ziploc and dated it but it wasn't something I would want to hang up or anything so I'm keeping it in a time capsule that Laura (Gigi) gifted to us. I decided to make my own "plaster" out of salt-dough so that we could have an ornament for our home and also gift them to loved ones. I painted them with silver glitter acrylic paint for a little pizazz and then tied twine through to hang them. They turned out precious and it is a tradition I think I will do as long as their little hands allow. I will definitely treasure ours forever and judging from the reactions of the Nana, Gigi, Gromimi and great Grandmothers, I think they will too.
Jackson's handprint -- 15 months

My mom, after seeing a canvas that Jackson and I had been working on at our home, requested a painting of her very own by zee little ar-teest. So what better time to gift her with her request than Christmas? I set Jackson out on the kitchen floor with a blank canvas, some non-toxic paints and a couple paint brushes. Over four our five seperate sittings of Jackson painting all by himself, this is what transpired:

I had to redirect him from painting on the floor or eating the paint (he did, twice) but once he understood where the paint was supposed to go, he went to town. He actually went over it one last time with a bit of purple and the finished version was really beautiful and cool looking buuuut I forgot to take a picture so, the next time I visit my mom and dad's home, I'll be sure to take a snap shot of it. Jackson's painting is already sitting on top of their mantle in the living room next to all of the ceramics my sister and I have created over the years.

We worked on several other projects -- a few of which have inspired the start of an exciting business endeavor which is part of the reason I haven't been blogging much lately. Stay tuned and I will try and get my act together in the mean time and do a better job at staying up to date. Happy living.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Little hands

We have been so blessed to have the family and friends that we do in our life. Jackson has been received with an unbelievable amount of love since the day he was born and the love just continues to grow. It is truly amazing.
After we celebrated his birthday, four different ways, we had quite a few thank you cards to send to all of the wonderful loved ones who helped us celebrate. I thought of a cute way to incorporate his handprint as a personal touch from Jackson himself. They turned out pretty adorable and our family members were really happy to get a little love from Jackson right back via their mailbox. I know "snail mail" is quickly losing popularity but I feel that there is nothing more charming than placing a thank you card in the mail... except maybe when there is an adorable little guy's handprint on said thank you card.

If you're interested in trying this for yourself here's a step-by-step guide at how to make your very own personalized handprint thank you cards with your little ones:

First, pick your paint color and stationary. I found multi-colored blank stationary at Wal-Mart for four jelly beans.

Then, using a paint brush, paint your sprout's hand or foot -- whichever you're feeling -- and press down on the paper. Make sure to press those fingers and toes too for the best print. Jackson loves the feeling of paint on his hand and giggles when the brush touches him.

Allow to dry for ten minutes or so. It's ok if the print's not perfect. I think it adds to the card's childlike charm. After the paint has dried -- you're ready to write. I used a black Sharpie and wrote for Jackson -- he's only one!! I was very happy with how they turned out.

These have me inspired for some thumbprint holiday cards I saw on Pinterest. Have you made any handprint or footprint crafts lately? I think they make the cutest gifts and keepsakes. We're working on a couple for Christmas. I will be sure to post as soon as we're done. Happy living, everyone.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Two families, two turkeys and two sons

The holidays are a magical and beautiful time of the year -- time for getting together with family, cooking comforting favorites like apple pie and cornbread dressing and making the home look festive; however the holidays can also be a bit stressful with traveling, traffic, a tired toddler and attempting to split time as fairly as possible between three families.

Brandon and I try to alternate spending holidays with our extended families each year. This Thanksgiving week, we excitedly made our way up to Ft. Worth to visit his dad, Rod and step-mom, Laura as well as his mom, Barbara and step-dad, Mike. It's always a great time getting to see everyone though things can get a little hairy, unloading and packing and unloading and packing and unloading again between two homes -- the traveling is most hard on Jackson who has to readjust just as he seems to settle in which can make for a very cranky boy -- especially when he's simultaneously cutting his second molar. It's difficult not to inevitably and unintentionally hurt someone's feelings because we can't be everywhere at once. Brandon's parents live fairly close to one another but my parents are seven hours away from Ft. Worth in south Texas. It would be virtually impossible to see all three for any one holiday but we do the best we can. We had an absolutely fantastic week -- hanging out with Rod and Laura, taking Jackson with them to meet Santa for the first time (he cried, of course), seeing Ice at the Gaylord Texan, running errands, helping to decorate one of the beautiful Christmas trees in their home and a ton of football and delicious food. Laura is an out of this world cook.

Over at Barbara and Mike's we took Jackson to the zoo (his favorite animals were the sloth bears), played in the falling leaves and Jackson gorged himself on blueberries. He's nutty for berries.

It was wonderful to get a block of time to spend up there -- even if the actual traveling process is less than easy. Did I tell you we had a fish and a pumpkin in tow?! Time with family is worth the butt cramps (5 hour car ride) and curse words (Brandon and traffic, ah thank you). While we were visiting, Sara, my best friend and fellow new momma, came by with her adorable little spud Jude. Talk about a personality! That little guy is flirting with those big brown eyes of his like he's been at it for years -- and he's only three months old! Jackson was giving him kisses and very into him though I caught some definite attitude once Jude had gone. It will be interesting to see how he reacts to his new little brother in a few months. That's right! We're having another BOY! We're all so happy and excited -- Brandon practically did a backflip in the doctor's office. We're thinking of naming him Preston but we're a little stuck on the middle name. Help us? I hope you all had a fantastic Thanksgiving. Did you try any new recipes? Brandon made the best turkey I have ever had. He smoked it... Delicious. I made a couple apple pies with crumb toppings that seemed to be crowd pleasers. I'll post the recipe soon with pictures! I think I'm making it again for my parents' families come Christmas. I'm glad we have a couple weeks before we have to pack the baby (and the fish) back up to hit the road... Though I do love me an open road. Happy living.